CoreHeight Technologies Ltd®

CoreHeight Technologies Ltd®



What is an OEM? 

An OEM is an acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturers. This refers to to the company that makes or produce a particular product. 

What is warranty and the types? 

A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.

What is Part Number (PN)? 

MPN stands for Manufacturer Part Number. It is a unique number that is issued by manufacturers to identify individual products. Normally, the MPN of a product is a series of numbers and letters.

What are support services? 

Support services are processes that professionals use to execute a core program or function that generates revenue. 

What is Serial Number (SN)? 

A serial number (SN) is a unique identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to an item, to uniquely identify it.

Serial numbers are alphanumeric. They may contain letters and numbers. 

What is a Rack Server?

A rack server or rack-mounted server, is any server that is built specifically to be mounted within a server rack.

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